#NoRA is a new kind of collective action.
We’re a culture hack. We’re for moving culture into a less violent place by counteracting the influence of NRA money in the American political system. And we’re going to win.
We’re a culture hack. We’re for moving culture into a less violent place by counteracting the influence of NRA money in the American political system. And we’re going to win.
Please contact your Congressional Reps at 202-224-3121 to let them know that you support common sense gun laws and you don’t support the NRA’s dangerous gun bills that impact our public safety.
Sign up HERE to make a pledge and to help our National Campaign to #VoteThemOut to #EndGunViolence in America. We will be endorsing candidates across the nation who will stand with us. 95% of Americans support universal background checks on gun sales and 65% of Americans support a ban on assault weapons and high capacity magazines. It's time for our elected representatives to listen to us or get voted out.
Contact the President: https://www.whitehouse.gov/contact
The Congressional Switchboard Number is 202-224-3121.
Contact your Senators: https://www.senate.gov/senators/contact/
Contact your House of Representatives: http://www.house.gov/representatives/
Here are some articles about how to make calls to Congress and why you should:
Here’s Why You Should Call Not E-mail Your Legislators
How to Effectively Lobby Your Congressperson
A political insider’s viral advice on how to make your Congress member listen
Contact your State Legislators: https://www.congress.gov/state-legislature-websites
Dear Gun Violence Prevention (GVP) Advocates,
On Saturday, you marched with us!
You joined nearly 5 million women, men and children at the Women's March in Washington D.C. and in sister cities & towns around the globe. We marched for our right to live without fear of gun violence in our daily lives. We marched because too many of us know firsthand that guns don't make us safer.
Today, as Donald Trump signs his Executive Orders that take away women's rights and damage our environment, we are asking you get to know your three Members of Congress (MoCs) and send them a "HEAR OUR VOICE" postcard!
Former congressional staffers who witnessed the rise of the Tea Party created the INDIVISIBLE GUIDE to help activists fight for our issue (s) during Trump's Presidency. We will share these strategies with you to promote our efforts to #EndGunViolence.
We ask you to put pressure on your three Members of Congress (MoCs) — your House Representative and two Senators. Even MoCs who support your issue (s) need to hear from you so that they can adequately represent you.
1. "Begin with these five steps to gather intel. Before anything else, take the following five steps to arm yourself with information necessary for all future advocacy activities.
2. Participate in Women's March on Washington's 10 Actions in 100 Days FIRST ACTION by sending "HEAR OUR VOICE" postcards to your three Members of Congress.
Download your printable postcards at home here or professionally here.
Write a postcard to your three Members of Congress about why gun violence prevention and other issues matter the most to you - and how you’re going to continue to fight for it in the days, weeks and months ahead.
You can go it alone, or consider inviting some friends, neighbors and fellow Marchers over for a drink or dinner sometime in the next ten days to talk about your experience and fill out your postcards.
- Newtown Action Alliance
Clikc here to print your
Women's March on Washington
10 Actions 100 Days
First Action Hear Our Voice Postcards!
Before the Sandy Hook tragedy, it never occurred to us that our 401Ks, 529s, and IRAs and other accounts could be invested in mutual funds and stocks of companies that profit from the sale of guns and ammunition. Sickeningly, gun sales increase after every well publicized mass shooting.
You can help make a difference by unloading your investments in the gun industry. Reuters has compiled a list of more than 500 mutual funds that have stock holdings worth billions in these three gun manufacturers: Vista Outdoors, Sturm Ruger and Smith & Wesson.